Here are a few of our other offerings. Keep checking back with our website, we always have something interesting in the works.
AS_Log $10
The AS_Log is a simple database application that helps Applescripters log events within a complex script. The resulting log entries can be searched, sorted, printed and exported to text. All it takes is the addition of a simple handler to your Applescript, and AS_Log includes documentation and sample scripts. (MacOS only)
ThemeMaker $30
Isn't it great that Filemaker 5 includes "themes" that speed the creation of new layouts? Doesn't it suck that you can't design your own themes unless you feel like editing the raw XML? Well, now you don't have to, just fill in the attributes that define each layout part and click a button. Voila, ThemeMaker generates the XML for you! Written in Filemaker Pro 5, with this tool you can create a custom layout theme in just a few minutes.
ScriptBrowser $35
Built with Facespan and Applescript, our ScriptBrowser provides a host of functions to help you decipher your scripts. Browse multiple scripts, color-code your script syntax, perform searches within scripts or across files, view and print scripts and sub-scripts in a single document. We think this is how the native Filemaker Pro ScriptMakerâ„¢ should behave, and if they had an open file-format we would write it ourselves. (MacOS only)